About Me

My name is Alex - welcome to my portfolio website. One of my goals for this year is to learn how to build websites and webapps front to back and I am undertaking Codecademy's Full Stack Developer course. This website will be my playground as I learn new skills and try out new things.

Things that I love, passions and interests:

Things that I hate:

  1. Fiat currency
  2. Big government
  3. Tax
  4. Ordered lists

I hope you enjoy looking at my website - if you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please follow the link above to contact me.

My Projects

In undertaking the full stack developer course, I endeavour to create small websites and webapps without worrying too much about how useful they are, nor about whether they are covering new ground. I previously built a website for a company I am part-owner of on Squarespace. I would like to recreate that at some point by writing my own HTML, CSS and Javascript - this would be a good testing ground for my newfound skills. I also would like to work on a website that dumbs down, for want of a better phrase, all the language and rhetoric around the economy, to help ordinary working people understand what is going on and what impacts it may have on their lives or lifestyles. This could form the early work of a legitimately useful website and will be an interesting passion project.